Mr. Roger Leon

Director - Region 6 Northeast
Regional Term expires 10/25

Roger León is superintendent of Newark Public Schools, the first Superintendent elected by a locally controlled board of education after more than two decades of state operation, and the first Latino to serve as superintendent of the largest school district in the state of New Jersey. León was born in the city of Newark, is a proud product of the Newark Public Schools, and dedicated over 30 years of service to the children of the City of Newark.

Prior to his current role, León was the district’s assistant superintendent. His vision was to set high educational standards for everyone in every school and provide all of the necessary time and resources to effectuate change across the district. His mission is to improve the lives of students and their families and strengthen the community.

León led, co-led, and implemented new standards from ESEA to NCLB to ESSA today. The reforms influenced early childhood, special education, bilingual education, and elementary and secondary education in the city of Newark. León also spearheaded and organized major initiatives and community conversations influencing change throughout the entire district. 

León is passionate about education, passionate about Newark, and passionate about progress.